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Showing posts from March, 2019

Overcome fear in 5 seconds

                             Overcome fear in 5 seconds          If you ask that it is possible to overcome fear in 5 seconds.Yes it is.At the end of the topic you will come to know that.This topic by Robbins in a Ted x talk help you to overcome fear in 5 seconds.      For eg:In case of a speech in front of a class ,we make ourself to do better in front of all.But our fear stops us reaching that.It makes our potential down.        While we are free our mind doesn't thinks more.But when we are in that situation our mind thinks, what will happen if i do it wrong?what would everyone thinks about me?What will happen if i do mistake?and brings negative thoughts in our mind and doesn't make us to reach the goal.       "AND NOW THE TRIC...

Never give up-Mindset

                                                        Have a fixed mindset                   All of us fix a target and run towards that.It may be profession,financial freedom,business or salary increment,and some others work on their passion to make it as profession and achieve in it                          .All of us individually have a goal and we work on it.And while we are working in that goal god may give us some problems or while we face a problem atleast once in a lifetime  we have thought that "whether ...

Pyschological facts-Sleep

                          Psychological facts about sleep   "Within 5 minutes of waking up,50% of our dream is forgotten." "A short sleep for just 6 minutes can help improve your memory." "You find relief in sleeping.when sleeping we are not sad,angry,or lonely,we feel nothing." "The strangers in your dreams during sleep are actually people that you are seen in your life." "Humans spend 1/3 of their life in sleeping." "Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise." "12% of people dream entirely in black and white." "Pain tolerance is reduced by sleep deprivation." "Your body is weak during 3-4 am.This is the reason most people die in their sleep." "Bullfrogs and dolphins are some animals that barely sleeps or don't required sleep." "If you fall asleep while overthinking,then your mind will stay active even during your sleep and you will w...